Past events

June 22nd, 2023: Coach Café Online – Artificial Intelligence

Time: From 19h to 21h30

Location: Online

Language: EN

June 20th, 2023: Women in AI – Reducing the tech gap!

Time: From 17h30 to 21h

Location: FARI, Brussels

Language: EN

June 7th, 2023: Computationeel denken, STEM en artificiële intelligentie in de klas.

Time: From 9h to 19h30

Location: De Krook, Gent

Language: NL

March 24th, 2023: L’intelligence artificielle va-t-elle révolutionner l’enseignement?

Time: From 10h to 11h

Location: Reset Brussels

Language: FR

Next events

November 8th, 2023: AI & Education for young people

Time: From 14h to 17h

Location: FARI, Brussels

Language: EN

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